Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalms 96:3

Friday, June 19, 2009

EiGhT dAyS!!!!!!

That's right...only 8! My mind is cluttered with all of the last minute details....
"The bags have to be 62"...measure height, width, length. But the second bag can only be 50 inches. Don't go over 50lbs. Leave room for the food and bedding we're packing."
HUH?! My mind cannot accept these details right now. It's already on overload...what with working, packing for the church camping trip, and trying to organize where my other two kids will be while I'm away for 10's too much!!!
So....I know I'm not the only one feeling the last-minute overload of details, would you pray for us as we fuss over the nitty-gritty of this coming week? The teens will have it a little easier in that once they're packed they're ready to go...but there are 5 adults who have houses to close up, children to pack for and settle, jobs to complete, yards to mow, and who knows what else that will pop up in the next few days!!
*That we will use our time wisely
*That our families will be supportive and helpful
*That each team member would have good quiet time w/the Lord, away from the overload of details
*That as we begin to take our Malaria pills this week they will settle well in all of us
*For Randy, Holly and Melissa as they wrap up the details between the Brokopps and us
*For settled minds and hearts as we approach departure day next Saturday...there's a feeling of excitement that is also mixed with anxiety
*Pray that the Lord will remind each of us this week that He cares about the details and that He's called us to this time and place of service.
*That the enemy would not be able to distract us and pull us away from staying focused on Christ
I, for one, THANK YOU for your prayer support this week...on our own, all of this IS too much. We're SO thankful that we've made it this far and our trip is so close in the future. We're blessed by each one of you who cares enough to remember us to the One who is ABLE to settle all of these details in our hearts.
Thank you!

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