Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalms 96:3

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Don't miss today...

I was reminded in my quiet time this morning how important TODAY is. In the busyness of packing, trying to organize all the loose ends and focusing on the details of our trip to Gabon we can easily miss what the Lord has for us today. I was convicted not to waste a moment God's given me today...the need to look around me and see people. The need to listen to His whispering, His instructing. There's something He wants to show me in the USA, in the County of Lancaster, in my little town of Strasburg.
On my own I can only think about THEN....but I may miss a glimpse of Him today if I avert my eyes and my attention away from Him. I'll miss Him again if I start looking for something BIG that He'll WOW me with...when all along He's whispering, waiting for me to be still and quiet long enough to hear Him.
So...I'm tuning in to today...being careful not to wish it away and miss being a part of whatever it is He's got in store in the here and now.
Gabon comes in two days...but those two days matter in the life of those around me...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Nick and Ter- and everyone- what a teary Blog this has been. Am refreshed this day from reading how each of you is doing your part to live, learn, love and leave a part of yourselves behind. Miss you but am also excited for this unique way to share your faith. Love Grandpa/Dad