Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalms 96:3

Friday, July 9, 2010

A few pictures....

Again...I'm too tired to think.  We started our day at 5:45 and are finally settled in the hotel at 11:52.  WE'RE BEAT!!!  Sorry, I'm opting for a quick post and getting some sleep.

Today is Nathan Staherski's 15th birthday...
he celebrated with a box of Swiss Roll Cakes!

Nick, Kyle and Jared hanging out at the band booths...
{with Bradley Hathaway}

{with Trace Bundy}

{stealing a picture behind Logan Martin}


I didn't take alot of pictures, but it was another great day with the kids.  We continue to have some really interesting speakers and worship times and I believe there is some stirring in the hearts of some of the kids.  It's been really neat to see the kids so eager to choose seminars to attend and hear them processing the information afterwards.  As leaders, we spent some time together praying for one student who is wrestling with the possibility that God is calling them into ministry in the future...we are so excited to watch some progression in this student and see their hesitation and fear turn to curiosity and possible openess. 

So much of the talks this week have been on listening to what God has to say about how we should live and then doing those things.  I pray these messages will be forever embedded into the hearts of the students and their faith will become part of every corner of their lives.   We've heard testimony from several former LIFE attendees who have made about-face changes in their lives after LIFE and are now living lives completely sold-out to Christ.  The students have been told over and over this week that following God may mean alot of hard choices.  It may mean doing something you're not comfortable doing, giving something up you don't want to or loving someone who is impossible to love.  They've heard that God likes us to be in impossible situations for the sole purpose that He would be glorified when we give up our will to follow His. 

The night ended with a missions theme and a call to offer our help to Alliance projects in need.  The Alliance Youth Project offering is going to be taken tomorrow morning and the kids were left with a challenge to give  what they can and see what great things the LORD will do with it.

Oh! I almost forgot.  The group of 6,500 people in the arena made it in the Guiness World Records.  We played the largest game of Rock, Paper, Scissors ever recorded.  Funny!

My eyes are closing as I sign of making up that lost sleep anytime soon!

Tomorrow is our last day here.  It's a pretty packed with activities and speakers and fun.  We're all thoroughly enjoying the week, but I think we'll be ready to head back home when the time comes. 

For now, GOOD NIGHT...
{back again tomorrow if I get a chance!}


Sharon said...

Hope you slept well, Honey. Great pictures of Nick and the other boys! Em and I worked at the house yesterday and are going back over today to stencil the closet. She worked hard and wait until you see what she was able to do...Looking forward to you safe arrival back home! Love you!

Christine said...

Watched the youtube clip of you all dancing at the baseball game - how fun!!
Praying for a great last day and safe journeys home!