Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalms 96:3

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday morning...

We all woke with bittersweet thoughts about this being our last day of LIFE.  On one hand, it's been such a great week of living in a totaly "Jesus bubble" and it's been great....and on the other hand, it's time to get home-back to reality and get on with summer.  {And, some of us are kind of missing our families!}

The day started like all the meeting at 7am for breakfast.  {*Note to parents:  Just thought you should know your kids are REALLY good at getting up before 7am, showering  and sitting at the breakfast table before 7:30 on a summer day}  Our first session included a parade of nations with all of the home assignment missionaries.  The kids gave them a standing ovation that lasted for several minutes...We also had communion together....all 7,000 of us...and took an offering for the Great Commission was an AWESOME morning!

After the session, we split up to go to small seminar groups, then met back together for lunch.  Right now we're all crashed out at the hotel...napping or playing games or just sitting around and chatting.  We all needed some down time before we meet at 4 for some group time and then back to the arena for dinner and the closing ceremony.

Please continue to pray for all of us as we finish out this evening. 
 We want to finish well and continue to hear God's voice.

...back again later for pictures and information about our departure tomorrow morning...

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