Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalms 96:3

Monday, July 21, 2008

...still working through the book of John....

Well, I must confess, I had not finished reading through the book of John at our last meeting - I had gotten about halfway through...sometimes I get stuck on some of the details and it takes me twice as long to complete a chapter! I've learned not to just glance past something that confuses me or speaks to me, but to take the time it takes to read several versions, commentaries, or whatever-until it finally settles right. Because of that...I just finished chapter 11 this morning!!! Slow, yes...but I'm finding new treasures in this book that I've read many times before......

Chapter 11 is a story we've all heard a hundred times....the first time being in our preschool Sunday School classes! The death of Jesus' friend Lazarus. Here's what got me this morning...

Lazarus is sick, and the sisters (Mary and Martha) send word to Jesus because they know He loves them and would want to know....they figure if they get word to Him in time, He can come and prevent Lazarus' death. Here's the part that held me this morning---vs. 5 says this:

"Now, Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus...SO when He heard that Lazarus was sick,HE STAYED WHERE HE WAS for two more days..."

I happened to be sitting in my car this morning (with my Starbucks!)having my devos- long story, but it works for me...and when I came across this verse all I could think of was "WHAT?!?"
After finishing the rest of the chapter I came back to this place and came to this conclusion about the importance of this story...

We spend most of our lives asking God to make our life nice and neat...clear the way in front of us so that our walk will be easy, thereby giving us a wonderful testimony to show those around us...and many will come to know Him. End of story, no one got hurt, and all's well.

But, Jesus intentionally stayed behind and allowed Lazarus to die BECAUSE He loved Lazarus and the sisters. He knew it would mean much weeping and heartache...He knew there would be sorrow and scars....but still He stayed back and allowed Lazarus to suffer and die. Allowed the sisters and the community to mourn and weep.

BUT...when the day came that the time was right for Him to show up He not only showed up, He showed up as the only One who could save the whole mess! The One who would wipe away the tears, restore the dead...and remarkably gain glory beyond what He would have had He showed up earlier. The tears were allowed for a season, the pain was permitted...questions were asked, but it was the end He was looking at. In the end "many of the Jews who had come to visit Mary, and had seen what Jesus did, put their faith in Him."

Ouch...this story hurts all our theories and plans. While we hope and pray for a life void of pain and suffering, Jesus waits behind...lets the pain fester....and then shows up valiantly to receive greater glory. Our part??? Let Him. Receive the pain and discomfort because we know His way is higher...His plan is better...and in the end, many who watch will put their faith in Him.

We've had our share of uncomfortable what are we going to do about them? Run away...or run to God?

I can tell you from experience...I'd rather run from the pain - sometimes it just hurts too much. But it's only been in the staying that I've been able to SEE that the end result was for Him to receive glory. So let's take the running shows them in the back of the closet and wait. Watch and see Him receive the glory He is due....

1 comment:

SteveB said...

This is one of my favorite stories in the Bible. God knows NO boundaries! His actions and timing is perfect even if we don't understand. We can't place him in a box and we should not expect him to work when it is nice and convenient for us.

Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV)
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.