Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalms 96:3

Friday, July 12, 2013


Often when we take trips with our students we put really high expectations on what we hope the trip will accomplish in each of their lives. We love who they are...but we hope that they come home different and with a deeper understanding of who they are in Christ. And as adults we know that this is a lot to ask and in order for this to be accomplished it will take work. Work on the part of the Holy Spirit to speak and work on the part of the student to hear and respond.

Some of the students have voiced their discontentment with their relationships with the LORD in recent months. We've known that they have battles going on inside their hearts and sometimes their homes. And some of that is more than can be overcome in a week's time. So, while we hope and pray for much change- dramatic, drastic lifelong change, we don't want to put our own expectations in front of the LORD's plans. The students have been responding throughout the week with thoughts and ideas that they are hearing from God. Some of them are hearing clearly, and some are longing to just hear something.

After tonight's session we gathered to have group time to discuss whatever the students wanted to share about what God is doing in them. It was a time of both encouragement as well as some discouragement among the group. We had a long time to talk and pray and walk through some of the deep things that God is doing in them. And as the leaders stayed behind to talk about how to encourage and come alongside those who voiced needs, fears, answered prayers and challenges, we were reminded again that life is hard for many of our students. Life is hard because there is an inner struggle to want to do what is right and to follow God, but there are so many variables in their lives that taunt them to go their own way. We are encouraged that the LORD is working among them...

Tomorrow is our last day of Sessions and Seminars. Our plan is to pack up the bus in the morning so that after the evening Session we are able to head out right away. 

My encouragement to the parents is to know that often re-acclimating back home is hard. They have much to process and sometimes it just takes time to communicate all of the details of the week. 

We have been so proud of your kids this week. They have behaved themselves with dignity and respect. They have represented you and our church well. 
We have enjoyed our time together and are kind of fond of them! 

I'll leave you with group pictures from our trip to the Arch this afternoon.
We had a surprise visit from Heather and Christian Chesnet, who are living nearby, and wanted to take the opportunity to see their brothers. 

 It was another excellent day with the group.  
I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow morning so that you can see your kids in action.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

May The Lord bless your day and bring you all home safely! Love you #21&#24❤❤