Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalms 96:3

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Again this morning...these words to start the day off with. What is it they say about words that are continually repeated? Perhaps The Lord has some things He wants to say to some of our students this week...

Stealing a little alone time early this morning before the day starts and was stopped with this...

"...we have inherited a tendancy to forget our true identity as creatures of a caring, merciful God. Our true identity is that we are created in the image and likeness of our Creator, and that WE ARE EACH the CHOSEN and the BELOVED of God, just as Jesus was CHOSEN and BELOVED..."

Continuing to pray over our students a knowing of this deep down in their hearts...



Unknown said...

Thanks Teri for posting these great words of wisdom not only to be prayed upon for our students lives but our own as well. Standing with you in prayer! Have a truly Blessed day!

Unknown said...

Hey LAC peeps....Hope you are not just having a blast together, but trusting God is doing mighty things there. I am praying for you everyday and can't wait to hear the good things about your week! blessings - Melissa Herr

Unknown said...

sorry it is actually Melissa (didn't know it was logged in under Becca :)