Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalms 96:3

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A little of yesterday and today...

It's mid-afternoon and I've finally been able to check for a wifi connection.  It's been on-again, off-again all week and I decided to take advantage of it while I can!  Thanks for those of you who've been leaving messages for your kids...if I can keep the connection, I'll make sure I have them sit down and read them.

Yesterday was a busy day for our kids.  The older kids spent another long day building the deck, but we were blessed with a cool breeze and no humidity, so they returned with more energy than they had the day before.  They ended their day with a cook-out for the Acts 29 youth group.  

The 9th and 10th graders split up their day with construction of a ramp, Bible clubs, ESL and ended their day in the park with some of the middle school kids from the community.  The local kids were full of energy and had seemingly endless amount of room for food.  They had a great time playing games with our kids and putting together banks that they will use to save $30 to attend the Acts 29 summer camp.  Our kids were surprised at how eager the local kids were to play and interact.  

We all hit our beds with about as much eagerness after such a long day.  Before we knew it, the alarm was going off and it was time to start again.  
{The girls enjoyed the "Broadway" rendition of "Rise and Shine" performed by Wendy.}
After a breakfast of pancakes and sausage, we were split back up into our groups to  continue on with the different projects we'd been working on.  

Parents, I think you would be really proud of the way your students have worked hard and conducted themselves.  They are having a BLAST working alongside each other!

Each day we have been led in devotions by one or two students.  We've been working through the Fruit of the Spirit and the kids have done a great job researching their assigned "Fruit" and sharing with the rest of the group.  We've also gathered for a time of prayer over the students, two at a time...they are sweet times of circling together in one accord.

It's evening it is, it seems I get about five minutes at a time to sit here...and then the moment is gone. it's dinner time and we're headed out to a Middle Eastern Restaurant-having absolutely no idea what to expect, except FLEXIBILITY.
We're getting good at it...seriously, just ask your kids.  
From now until FOREVER, they will be flexible to do 
ANYthing and EVERYthing 
you want them to do-
 I promise.

Because I'm pretty sure my five minutes is about to end,
 I'll post a bunch of random pics of the last two days...

...................................... I suspected...I've just been called away...
This is only about 1/3 of the pictures I wanted to post.

there's always tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear it is going well - we are praying! Trust God is using each of you - I am thankful to hear the group is bonding so well. God is good
Give Janae a huge hug and kiss for me
love her!
thanks Terri for the update

Sue Feister said...

Hi! This is the first opportunity I've had to write - computer issues! Glad things are going well and that you are all having good experiences. Love the updates and photos - thanks, Terri! Jared, I miss you - but will see you soon and look forward to hearing about your time away. I think you are doing your devotional today - I will pray for you. Love, Mom/Sue

alibethb said...

Loved being able to keep up with your trip. Can't wait to hear about what God has accomplished through your group this week.

Drew, we miss you. It is really quiet here without you. Can't wait to see you on Saturday. Love you.