Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalms 96:3

Friday, April 24, 2009

Today's the day!!!

We wait all year for this day....we anticipate it...dream over it...plan for it...and finally, it's here!!! NO, it's not our Gabon departure's RETREAT WEEKEND!!!!! While only a few of us will have the privilege to fly to Gabon together, the whole gang has the opportunity to spend the weekend at the District Retreat in North Bay, MD. And, what an unbelievable weekend it always is!!! We've been so blessed with great speakers and worship bands in the past..and we expect nothing but the same this weekend!

And the weather....can we talk about the weather?? While we've had other weekends at North Bay with sunny days, I don't think we've ever seen a forecast quite like this one! Over 80 degrees and've got to be kidding me! Heavenly....

I know the subject of our talks this weekend is Romans 12...which happens to be some of my favorite verses. Some of our kids have claimed vs 1&2 as their life verses. There's a feeling of excitement among the students (AND LEADERS!) in anticipation of what the Lord has to teach us in these next few days.

I've already requested that we have extra tissues on hand for Holly and I as we enjoy this last retreat with our Seniors...and mourn their passing! We are both continually surprised every Spring that we can possibly love someone else's kids so much and cry over them just thinking about their graduating and leaving us! This year is even more bittersweet for me as I send forth my own firstborn. But...we will not even go there in this post.

For these next 2 1/2 days we will focus only on these precious teenagers who have stolen a piece of our hearts forever...we'll laugh with them, play with them, and walk alongside them on yet another journey in their walk of faith. And we'll be blessed with yet another year of retreating away from our everyday lives with them.

(NorthBay Adventure dock....where you'll find me early tomorrow am!)

Ahhh...retreat...sweet retreat!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cultivate these things...

I spent some time alone at Panera this morning. It seems to be the place I can focus best--go figure--a cup of coffee, a bagel and my Bible and I'm all ears!
I'm finishing up a great book on Paul's Journey of Faith (by Beth Moore--my favorite!) and I thought so much of all of you, my teamates, as I read. These words were written for Timothy..Paul's words of encouragement to him. But, they are for us, too. For those who struggle...those who wait...those who trust...and those who wonder what God's up to. We may be in an unknown place in this world, but our lives teach. And, because of that, we have a responsibility to "keep at it" live lives of offering and worship.
"Get the word out. Teach all these things. And don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching. And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed—
keep that dusted off and in use.
Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them. The people will all see you mature right before their eyes! Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching. Don't be diverted. Just keep at it. Both you and those who hear you will experience salvation."
I Timothy 4:11-16
(The Message)
" of God's priority goals is to raise up and encourage passionate, persevering servants who are completely abandoned to His will..."
we are living proof that He exists...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We're well past our half-way mark!!!

Just wanted to give an update on our team funds. As of this week, we are at $31,000!!! Our total goal is $54,000 before June. We're excited to have 3 people completely paid for! Our accounts are growing each day, and we're trusting the Lord who called us will faithfully supply what is needed in His time....which is NEVER too late!
A few weeks ago each of us was challenged to find a verse or passage of scripture we wanted the rest of the team to be praying for us...they've been put together as a set of prayer cards so that we all have each team member's verse. I was so blessed as I typed out each student's vs...recognizing something in each one that spoke to a need or heart's desire. We're getting to know each other's needs, praying for one another AND
learning 18 of the coolest verses of scripture!
Together we've chosen a team verse:
"Therefore...I beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace..."
Epesians 4:1-3

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


*Sub Sale*

Fundraiser for Gabon

Just a reminder...

Our sub sale ends April 12th. Subs to be delivered April 22nd.
Subs: $3.50
Subs w/meal: $5.00 (for eat-in only)
Thanks, Kim, for heading this up for us!!!