Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous deeds among all peoples.
Psalms 96:3

Thursday, February 26, 2009


This shows only a small area, but I wish I had gotten a shot of the whole was one big load of needles and Bandaids! The women from the Travel Center came prepared for all 18 of us...even brought a bag of lollipops! While I wish I had video-taped the whole ordeal, I only snapped a few shots. Let's say it is to spare those who ended in tears, those who yelped in pain, those who went completely white.....and the one who asked for a Dr's excuse to skip gym class the next day!!! It was really quite entertaining!

...a somewhat nervous smile from Drew, pre-injection...

...the color in Nate's cheeks is indication of the nerves that were exploding inside him!!!

We each left with a prescription for Malaria pills....and a choice as to which type to choose.

Choice#1: Doxycycline -take during the trip plus 4 wks afterwards and
costs about $1 a pill....but comes with side effects that might not be pleasant while travelling!
Choice#2: Malarone- take during trip plus 7 days afterwards....less side effects,
but $12 a pill!!!
And...another prescription for Zithromax for something called "Traveler's Diahrrhea",
which needs no description.
Needless to say, these prescriptions represent more reasons we need a team of pray-ers behind each and every one of us. There is potential for stomach issues and other unwanted illnesses and again, we'd covet your prayers for protection over our bodies. The enemy would love nothing more than to plant fear into the team members and their parents over this issue, and he'd love to plague us with illnesses upon arrival in Gabon.

We greatly appreciate all the support we are getting throughout this process....may the LORD bless this trip for the church-wide effort it has become.

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